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Annyeongg !

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hello peeps ! Welcome to my blogs . still newbie ., Hope u guys enjoy the lovely moment in my blog ! ^^

Awesome people


basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edited By: Miss A ^^
Others: ? ? ?

Buat Blog Archive Untuk Blogskin


Hahahaa . Be like seungri . Human that can do anything . hahaa . Okayy . Blog archive . setengah blogskin , takde bende ni . so , aku nak buat lha tuto ni .. hee . but aku ada yg detail . Cuz setengah orang tak suka . diorang nak yg september 2011 . oktober pulak . aku kurangg yg tuu . tak faham ? Bende ni lha .. heeeee . :))))))))))

That !! Kalau yg dah ade . takyah buat ponn takpe . hee . korang wajib copy bende ni ..
<div style="background:transparent; width:230px; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:scroll;padding:10px; height:100px; "><bloggerpreviousitems><a  href="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>"><li><$BlogPreviousItemTitle$></li></a></BloggerPreviousItems></div><br>

Thisss ! korang kene ambil tauu . then copy kat template . terserah korang nak copy kat mana . asalkan kat sidebar lha .. heee

dahh ? copy yang ni pulak . untuk tajuk . kalu taknak ponn takpe . tak fhm ? sokayy . be patient . :)))


Thiss . yang saya daa bulat tuu . tuu untuk tajuk . copy ni ..

<div class="tit">Blog Archive</div><br>
Yang ni , copy kat atas korang copy yg first tadi .. faham tak ? macam ni .

<div class="tit">Blog Archive</div><br>
<div style="background:transparent; width:230px; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:scroll;padding:10px; height:100px; "><bloggerpreviousitems><a  href="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>"><li><$BlogPreviousItemTitle$></li></a></BloggerPreviousItems></div><br>

Okayy . done . tak faham or tak jadi inform , okayy ?