Mustache (s)
T H I R O S S //

Annyeongg !

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Stories Owner Friends Tutobies

hello peeps ! Welcome to my blogs . still newbie ., Hope u guys enjoy the lovely moment in my blog ! ^^

Awesome people


basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edited By: Miss A ^^
Others: ? ? ?

Tukar Nama Blog


annyeongg ! hehee , Tukar nama blog . for newbie act . Tapi , setengah newbie daa tahu bende ni . okayy . takpelha :3 . It's just a simple one .. Kalau blogskin kan , their owner daa tulis nama siap - siap . kalau korang tak suka nma tuu , korang bulehh je tukar . :)))

This for who that dunt understand what im talking about ..


Okayy . let's start.

Dashboard --> Template --> Ctrl + F <title>
Daa jumpa ? korang ganti je dgn nama yg dia tulis . tak faham ? macam ni ...

<title>// Miss A \\</title>
Done :))))))))))))